NSI Jail Administration Course (NSI-II)
December 5-9, 2022,
You must be an elected or appointed sheriff.
Because this training is occurring at the FBI National Academy, all attendees will have to have a full background check
If you meet the above requirement and are interested in being nominated to attend the NSI Jail Administration Course, NSI-II on December 5-9, 2022, please fill out the short form below.
Course Descriptions are below the form.
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The National Sheriffs’ Institute (NSI) is sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) in collaboration with the Major County Sheriffs of America (MCSA), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and the National Association of Counties (NACo). During the NSI, you will have an opportunity to consider the current state of your office and the changes or improvements you would like to see.
National Sheriffs’ Institute – Jail Administration
Course Description: The National Sheriffs’ Institute-JA course is a newly developed curriculum designed to enhance the knowledge of sheriffs regarding their responsibilities in leading the operations of a correctional facility. The course is approximately five days in length.
Among the topics to be covered in this course:
- The Sheriff as Leader in the Jail
- The Sheriff’s Role – The Community Map
- Legal Implications of Operating a Jail
- Leadership for the Jail
- Critical Aspects of Jail Operations
- Assessing Your Jail Operation
- Jail Improvement Planning