The Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance (VLEOA) is a tax-exempt 501-C (3) public charity organization that has quickly become the leader in the training and support of volunteer, reserve, and auxiliary law enforcement officers worldwide. One unique aspect of our Alliance is our ability to assist sheriffs, chiefs of police, county commissions, and city councils in the formation or expansion of volunteer policing programs, which allow communities to maintain the safety and security of their citizens during challenging economic times and immerse properly trained citizens into policing. VLEOA also provides the Certified Volunteer Policing Leader (CVPL) designation to qualified reserve and sworn volunteer leaders. https://www.policereserve.org/
For more than 40 years, NW3C has been training law enforcement and regulatory agencies in the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of economic and high-tech crime. Through grant funding from various federal agencies, we are able to provide high-quality, industry-leading training for FREE. NW3C offers training and support materials through classroom training, online training, webinars, and investigative resources. Utilize NW3C courses to grow in your career, obtain continuing education credits, or solve current investigations. https://www.nw3c.org/

Working in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice, other non-profit organizations, experts on current prosecutorial concerns as well as several universities and colleges, we provide a forum for productive discourse and the exchange of ideas. Combined with those partnerships, our staff and membership comprise a group of organizations who work diligently to make our communities safer today and for the future. The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys provides a number of services including training, technical assistance, webinars, publications, as well as regional and national conferences. We value the community as a whole, as such we realize that prosecutors can and should affect change not only in the courtroom but outside of it as well. Our services focus on prosecution, innovation, and collaboration. We encourage the implementation of evidence-based practices and data-driven prosecution. https://www.apainc.org

MOSAIC is a strategic risk and crisis management, intelligence, and security advisory firm dedicated to helping clients mitigate exposure and minimize loss––both financially and physically. MOSAIC integrates technology with specialist knowledge, including human and deep source intelligence, combined with open-source, cyber, and surveillance intelligence, in order to address current and emerging threats to multinational corporations, governments, and non-governmental organizations as well as private individuals. Its expertise operates across four main areas: intelligence, security, specialized training, and cybersecurity. MOSAIC develops long-term relationships with trusted advisors and provides strategic services that are threat-driven and intelligence-led. MOSAIC is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading crisis management firms and rapid response intelligence outfits. https://mosaicsec.com/
The Safe Surfin’ Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit Cyber Safety and Responsibility educational initiative, created by law enforcement professionals in 1998, and dedicated not only to protecting youth from those who would do them harm, but pro-actively educating them in the safe and responsible use of today’s ever-changing technology. Together, we’re improving and saving lives.