Núria Querol is a biologist specializing in cell biology, genetics, and biomedicine. She holds a Master’s degree in the Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment of Family Violence from the University of Barcelona. Currently, she works as a doctor in the Department of Family Medicine at the Institut Català de la Salut. Her research has centered on the intersection of violence and criminal conduct, and she teaches in the Master’s degree program in Profiling and Analysis of Criminal Behaviour at the University of Barcelona, among other academic roles.

Núria is also the co-director of the course and lecture series “Green Criminology: Violence Against Animals. Prevention and Intervention” and is involved in various working groups advocating for animal welfare in both the United States and Spain. In 2021, she co-coordinated the publication Violence Against Animals: Relevance in Criminal Investigation and Violent Crime, which brings together experts from multiple disciplines to explore the critical issue of violence against animals in the context of criminal investigations.